Computer Conversions Corporation is a reputable, 40 year old, technically advanced electronics company engaged in the design and manufacturing of synchro converters, amplifiers, displays and encoders, brushless resolver packages, and related computer bus interface cards for the military and industrial market place. Standard low cost units to satisfy almost any synchro/resolver or shaft interfacing requirement are available either off the shelf, or with very short lead times. Computer bus formats available (COTS products) are ISA, VME, PCI Bus, and PC104 built to commercial or military specifications.

All units are supplied in either commercial, industrial, or military temperature ranges. Static and Dynamic testing is performed on all units, and written or printed test data supplied at no extra cost.

Computer Conversions has proven conformance to the Quality Assurance requirements of various U.S. Naval, Aircraft, Missile and Nuclear programs. Computer Conversions’ Quality Control system conforms to MIL I45208, and source inspection is available on request.

Qualification and/or environmental testing are available on all units manufactured. In addition, burn-in and life testing to customer specifications can also be done. Hi-reliability units can be supplied with MIL 38510 and MIL STD. 883 IC’s ER resistors, capacitors and Jan TX Semiconductors on request.

A few of our proudest achievements include: participation in Hawk Missile Program, F16 Fighter Program, and receipt of the Boeing Company “Presidents Award” for outstanding support to Boeing programs.


Computer Conversions Corporation welcomes all inquires or modified or special units in the data conversion field. Completely new or slightly modified units are available. In addition, complete systems incorporating CCC’s modules can be supplied to customer specifications. All “special” inquiries will be given a prompt and thorough evaluation by CCC’s engineering staff.

Contact us today with your requirements

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