Synchro - Resolver - Ac LVDT I/O

ISA bus

PC Compatible ISA Bus Cards
Synchro - Resolver - Ac LVDT I/O


VME Bus Cards
Synchro - Resolver - Ac LVDT I/O

4 to 8 Channel


PC104 Bus Cards
Synchro - Resolver - Ac LVDT I/O



One to two Channel cards, any function per card.
Lowest cost I/O Bus.
High/Low Byte priority Selectable.
Double Buffered Outputs.
Terminal Blocks or Mil spec. connectors on I/O.


Synchro Amplifiers and High Power
Digital to Synchro Converters

multispeed angle ind

Multispeed High Accuracy Angle Indicators
11.8V/90V rms. L-L, 47 to 10,000 Hz.
Ref.: 26V/115V rms. & 115V 60 Hz. power.
Speed Ratio: 1,8,10,16,18,32,36,64, & 128.
Output: 5 or 6 digit .5” LED display (unipolar or bipolar) and 5 or 6 digit BCD digital data (optional).
Accuracy: +/-.002, +/-.005, or +/-.01 degree.
Package: a.) 9.5” x 8” x 2” H. b.) 19” x 12” x 3.5” H.
Options: Choice of scale factor, other speed ratios, watchdog timer, tristate, binary, and BCD output data simultaneously, dimmer.


Programmable Limit Switch
Series PLS1000

Single, Multiturn or Linear Resolver..
Resolution: Field Scalable to 1 part in 4096/turn
Outputs: 16 & 1 fault, field select TTL or DC to 50V, Solid State and Electromechanical relay boards.
Display: 8 character and status LEDs
Speed: 5 us throuput fully loaded, 3000 RPM.
Functions: Hi/Low set points, dwells, timers, tach, cycle count, RS232 I/O, force outputs, offsets, 5 speed advance.
Memory: Nonvolatile EEPROM 10-100 programs, serial buffer.
Size: 7.4”x6.2”x4.5” panel mount or 14”x12”x10” Nema 13.

shaft tracker

Shaft Tracker™
Absolute & Incremental Outputs.
No External Electronics, Ultra-Reliable electromagnetic encoder with Real-time Incremental Quadrature Square & Serial/Shifted Absolute Position Data in one.
Resolution: 1024-4096 parts/turn.
Nema 12, Size 25 std. Flange Mount. Single +5VDC, or 10-30VDC power-in. Isolated Multidrop RS485 Differential outputs. Replaces Disposable Opticals.

MultiTurn Shaft Tracker™
Same features as above.
Available -40degree C to +85 degree C and Military Grade Extended Temperature -55 degree C to +105 degree C.
4 to 128 turn variations.
Resolution: up to 22 bits.


Snaptrak™ Encoders
Resolution 100 to 65,536 parts/turn. Basic full function system, =12 or +15VDC power in, buffered 5v TTL or Open Collector 5-30VDC logic outputs. All digital output formats, BIN, BCD, Gray Code, Absolute & Incremental available. Remote offset Option

DC Snaptrak units feature analog 0-10VDC, +/-10VDC, and 4-20ma. current loop outputs. +12 or 24VDC power in. High reliability electromagnetic (no wear) pot replacers. 1000’ long cables. Rotary differentials available too. 

trak2 encoder

Track II™ Encoders
Value added system, 24VDC power in, field selectable 5, 15, or 24VDC logic level outputs. Opto-Isolated PLC Handshake, Position status LEDs & Remote Zero set Std. BCD, Binary, Gray Code outputs, Incremental output option. Rotary differentials & Limit Switch available.
Resolution: 4096 parts/turn


Multitrak™ Encoders
Multiturn absolute encoder systems. Resolution 65,536 representing 1-128 turns full absolute range of travel. All features Std. +24VDC power in, field selectable 5, 15, or 24VDC logic level outputs, binary data, Opto-Isolated PLC handshakes for data latch, watchdog, and multiplex enable. Real-time incremental outputs too. Status LEDs & remote zero set. Built in test & cable disconnect.

sync res simulator

Synchro / Resolver Simulators
Up to 18 bits digital parallel binary or 6 digits BCD, or manual 6 digit thumb wheel switches.
Power: 115V 60 Hz.
Output: 11.8V or 90V rms. L-L 47 to 10,000 Hz. capable of driving up to 25 VA loads.
Dynamic Range: .125 to 16 rps/
Display: 5 or 5 digit .5”H LED of input or output angle.
Accuracy: +/- .002, +/-.005, or +/-.01 degrees.
Package: Bench mount 12”x13”x3.25”H, or Portable case 9”x12”x12” (splash proof).
Options: Multispeed synchro input and bus card interface.


Multiturn Absolute Encoder Systems and Readouts
Convert 1 to 1024 turns of shaft rotation input into 1,000 to 4,194,304 unique position locations. These true absolute encoders that retain their position information forever, regardless of any motion during a power outage.

TMDS-PC Series: PC card 4.5”x6.5” & 64, 128, or 1024 turn position transducer, resolution 1024 to 16,384 parts/turn. Buffered +5VDC TTl logic, parallel binary formats, three state & data latch control lines, separated dual data ports opt. +12 or +15VDC power.

TMSAI Series: 5 digit scaled panel mount LED readout, 9.5”Wx2.5”Hx8”D and with a size 23 Nema 12 transducer. Scaled BCD output & 16 bit binary output. 10, 36, 64, 100, 128 turns. 115VAC power.

TMRE-CIM Series: (shown) 1 million part full function readout system, 10,000 parts/turn, 100 turns full range, excellent for rack & pinion systems, adjustable datum point, push button offsets, 5-30VDC BCD outputs, 115VAC power.

TMDS Series: 2-1024 turns, Resolution 100 to 65,536 per turn. Outputs optional 4,5, or 6 digit scaled readouts, operator offset options, panel or rack mount decoders. BCD, binary, analog, gray code, RS232/422/485 serial, pulse width or bus compatible outputs, units with incremental & absolute outputs, multichannel systems too!

Multiturn Transducers available in: Small size 23, heavy duty NEMA 12-4, IP65, explosion proof, water tight, submersibles, motor tach & multiturn resolver assemblies. Radiation resistant units to 1x109 Rads.

AIT Series AI540

Low Cost Angle Indicator
Input: 11.8/90V RMS. L-L, 47 to 10,000 Hz.
Reference: 26/115V RMS
Power: 115V 60 Hz.
Output: 3, 4, or 5 Digit .5” H LED Display
           (Unipolar or Bipolar)
Accuracy: +/-3, +/-6, or +/-30 minutes of arc, +/-1 LSB
Package: (A) 5.5”Wx7.5”Lx2.0”H panel mount
             (DC supplies included)
             (B) 9.5”Wx1.75”H half rack mounting
             (DC supplies included)
Options: Choice of scale factors, Zero offset adjustment
             (+/-5 degrees)


Transformer Isolated Multiplexed Synchro to Digital Converter - Series MSI
Input: 11.8/90V RMS. L-L, 47 to 10,000 Hz.
Reference: 26/115V RMS., up to 128 channels
Output: 14 Bits parallel binary or 4 decade BCD
Accuracy: +/-4.6 minutes of arc +/-5LSB.
Package: (A) Central Converter 2.6”x3.1”x43”H module
               (B) Four channel input module 2.6”x3.1”x43”H module
Options: (A) Scale Factor Choice on BCD output.
             (B) Linear DC output.
             (C) System mounted on PC boards or racks


High Accuracy Synchro to Digital - Series USD
Input: 11.8/90V RMS. L-L, 47 to 10,000 Hz.
Reference: 26/115V RMS. (optional)
Output: 20 bits parallel binary
Accuracy: +/-.005 Degrees
Package: 2.6”x3.1”x.8H module
Options: 6 digit BCD output


High Accuracy Digital to Resolver - Series UDR
Input: 18 bits parallel binary and 26/115V 47 to 10,000 Hz. reference
Output: 7V rms., 60 or 400 Hz, capable of driving 2k ohm load
Accuracy: +/-.005 Degrees
Package: 2.6”x3.1”x.8H module
Options: 1.) 6 digit BCD output
             2.) Separate power amplifier modules


Multispeed Synchro to Digital in one Module
Series SDT

Input: 11.8/90V RMS. L-L, 47 to 10,000 Hz., 26/115V rms. reference
Speeds: 10, 16, 18, 32, 36, 64
Output: 16 bits parallel binary and velocity
Accuracy: +/-.01 or +/-.005 Degrees
Package: One 2.6”x3.1”x.82H module
Options: (A) Systems packaged on PC cards and racks
             (B) 6 Digit Display

HSDC series

Miniature Synchro/Resolver to Digital
 Series HSDC

Input: 11.8/90V RMS. L-L, 47 to 10,000 Hz., 26/115V rms. reference
Output: 16, 14, or 12 bits parallel binary
Accuracy: +/-2, +/-4, or +/-8.5 minutes or arc
Package: (A) 2.23”x.78”x.6”H module
               (B) 1.1”x2.1”x.7”H module
               (C) 1.9”x2.1”x.4”H
Transformer Isolation Available

ST scott t

Miniature Synchro to Resolver Converters
(Scott T Transformers) Series - ST

Input: 11.8/90V RMS. L-L, 47 to 10,000 Hz., 26/115V rms. reference (optional)
Output: 6V or 2V rms.
Accuracy: +/-1, +/-2, +/-4 minutes of arc
Package: 1.3”x1.3”x.4”H
Compatible with all Monolithic Resolver to Digital Converters


Reference Powered Digital to Synchro/Resolver
Series DSP

Input: 14 or 12 bits parallel binary and 115V rms. reference 47 to 10,000 Hz.
Output: 90V L-L 47 to 10,000 Hz. capable of driving 4.5 VA.
Accuracy: +4 minutes of arc
Package: 2.6”x3.1”x.82”H
No external transformer required


Digital to Synchro/Resolver
Series DSC

Input: 10 to 16 bits parallel binary and 26/115V rms. reference
Output: 11.8/90V rms. L-L, 47 to 10,000 Hz. capable of driving 1VA, 2VA, 5VA (up to 3 TRS) or 25VA loads.
Accuracy: 2 to 30 arc minutes
Package: (A) 2.6”x3.1”x.6”H
              (B) 2.6”x3.1”x.82”H
              (C) PC card with edge connector (5VA and 25VA units)


Vector Generator - Series DVG
Input: 14 or 18 bits parallel binary, Reference 10VDC or 7V rms.,
and power +/-15VDC
+/-10VDC sine & cosine, DC to 10,000 Hz., 2K ohms minimum load
Reference Output: 10VDC
Accuracy: to +/-10 arc seconds
Package: 2.6”x3.1”x.43”H module
Option: Dynamic Vector Rotators with programmable
acceleration & decelerations

Isolated Synchro/Resolver to digital converters with built-in test and force test