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PC/104TM Stackable
Tracking Input Modules


  • Direct Synchro, Resolver and LVDT Inputs
  • Quad Channel Solid State Input Modules
  • Quad Channel Transformer Isolated Models
  • No External Conditioning or Components Req’d
  • Wide Band 47-1Khz. Reference Inputs, Model Options to 10Khz.
  • PC/104TM Form Factor, Stack through
  • True 16 Bit Address Decode
  • True 16 Bit “Word Level” Data Bus
  • Bus/Stack Power Std.
  • True Card Level Accuracy and Test Data
  • Auto Handshake, No Need to Inhibit Converters
  • BIT/Fault Output Status


  • Synchro/Resolver Test Sets
  • Embedded Display and Inst. Sets
  • OEM Mobile Antenna Gear
  • Marine Gyro/GPS Systems
  • Automated Guided Vehicles Drones
  • Radars, Weather Inst’s.
  • Surveying & Mapping Apparatus


The PC104 Series are 3 and 4 channel PC/104 compatible synchro, resolver, and LVDT/RVDT to digital converters, employing type 2 ratio metric tracking converters specifically suited for high performance embedded applications.

They will accept any group of up to 4 individual, 3 wire Synchro, or 4-wire Resolver inputs, or 2-4 wire LVDT/RVDT inputs; over a frequency range of 50Hz. to 10KHZ., and convert them into 10-16 bit words of virtually jitter and lag free, natural binary data representing the input signals absolute physical position.

Data is addressable in a single word 16 bit format over the PC/104TM stack-bus. Data made available to the bus is continuously updated (tracking) without interruption; output data is accurate, monotonic, and always fresh up to the maximum tracking rate of the converter.

No external transformers, modules, or signal conditioners are required. The synchro/resolver and LVDT converters used feature internal solid-state or Transformer Isolated Scott T’s that accept direct field voltage inputs.

Transformer Isolation is offered for all the reference and signal input lines. This completely isolates the card and effectively the whole computer from all the field wiring, eliminating concerns over; troublesome ground loops, ground induced noise, differing potentials, ground interjected spikes, and ghostly field noise that so frequently takes down, and/or corrupts the operation or entire systems.

Solid State input units are for price-paramount applications, offering densities up to 4 channels per module, with separate reference inputs for each channel. and common mode refection exceeding 70 db. Because only “whole complete converters” are used throughout; direct field input voltages are facilitated and neither external components, conditioning, or field component selections/changes, are required.

Transformer isolated units facilitate PC/104 module densities up to 3 channels per card, and separate reference inputs are provided for each channel; allowing up to 3 differing reference sources to be used with a single card, and complete channel to channel, and channel to bus isolation exceeding 500VDC.

Accuracy, performance, and dynamic characteristics, are specified and tested inclusive of the whole PC/104TM assembly, and printed test data is provided, and maintained, on all units.

Maximum versatility has been employed on the PC104 Series’ products to assure the universal compatibility in addressing, timing, system, and specific compute hardware and software independence.

The PC104 Series cards are configured with a full 16 bit range of jumper-plug selectable I/O addressing. The interface is a solid, reliable, high speed, true 16 bit “Word Level” register access. Simply address the I/O; and read the data.

Because ‘auto-handshaking is provided on-board, to prevent false reads, and a true 16 bit data bus is used; there is no need to employ any additional software steps to inhibit the converters, or manipulating 8 bit bytes; and the user is assured only the most current, valid, and “dynamic” data is presented to the bus.

Additionally, a single Status Word is provided to report the BIT/Fault status of each
independent channel.

Software code fragments that may be used as drivers, are provided in various and generic C, assembly and (examples in) Basic programming languages. In addition, a C written Demonstration program is provided for Out-of -the-Box testing, scaling, and offsetting; without any user programming required.

PC104’s are available in: commercial 0oC to +70oC, industrial -40oC to +85oC (operating), temperature range models. Military extended temperature range units, available on request.

These compact, full function, highly reliable, low power PC104 Series converters are ideally suited applications that demand: assured out-of-the-box performance, finite, data integrity, inherent sensor compensation, long term repeatability, and reliability.

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